Saturday, August 9, 2008

Stop it with the blue tooth in public

You know who you are. You're the guy who goes into Subway with your friend from work, catching up on the day's memos, then right in the middle of your friend's sentence you tap your ear and say "hello".

Stop it. Seriously.

Nothing says "I care about you, but really I hope someone more important calls" than a blue tooth in public places.

Oh wait, let me guess, your excuse is "well, I wear it so much that I don't even notice."

Bullshit. How do you not notice a piece of electronic equipment in your ear? You look like those guys in Star Wars that control the Death Star. Just robots desiring to be controlled by jackassery.

Stop it.

Here's a tip. When you leave your car or walk out of your building to eat, shut off your earpiece and be part of the human race. We like you, just not your jackassery.


Lisa said...

Amen and preach it brother!

Geoff said...

I actually like the guy who walks into starbucks and has two headsets on, one on each ear. What a badass, he is more important than me by default by having a bluetooth headset, but to have two means that I am the scum of the earth in comparison. I feel so inadequate.

Beth said...

Tell me, do you have an opinion???? I wasn't sure.
I really hate the bluetooth & have refused to get one so far. When I drive, I rec.calls via speaker phone, setting the phone in my lap. So far so good

Geoff said...

I need another blog from you buddy. Anxious

Dodgebob's Blog said...

Dude, I love it and I hardily concur. This post reminds me of a story. I was a family restaurant with my fam a couple of weeks ago and there was a couple there that each had their blue tooth headsets on for the entire duration of the meal and didn't speak one word to each other. Although the Subway guy is annoying at least it's a quick stop sort of situation. Leaving your headset on at a sit-down dining establishment is just pointless, tactless and silly. The other highlight of this blog posting is your coining of the term "jackassery" which I find highly entertaining and feel it should be added to Webster's dictionary immediately.