Monday, July 28, 2008

Does Heroes still suck?


After a terrible, terrible second season Heroes is set to return. I think it's suppose to start in Septembewhogivesacrap.

The answer is nobody.

Especially at Comic-con. Heroes had their panel set for 11am Saturday in the big hall where they were going to have the writers come out and talk about the third season and show the premiere episode. However, I don't know how many Heroes fans got to see it because Lost had it's panel at 12pm and fans (of a show that's actually worth watching) started lining up at 2am that morning. When the doors for the Heroes panel opened, they just let the Lost line in. Lost fans had to sit through what I'm sure was a giant apology for why season 1 finale was so bad, why they haven't brought back Claude, and why Peter Petrelli still continues to breathe and annoy me. After that, they showed the season 3 premiere. Was it good? Don't know because no one is talking about it. I haven't found any news on it, any buzz, any clips, any video of the panel, nothing.

Where are the people that say "Heroes is so much better than Lost?" Why aren't they updating their blogs feverishly giving away juicy story lines and new characters plots and saying things like, "Tim Kring said this and talked about that?" I hear no response. Perhaps that the sound of me being right.

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