Episode I - Red Ball of Destruction
Chase Robotix is the defender of the universe. When trouble or stupidity cross his path, he reaches back and keeps his pimp hand strong.
Every time that I look at myself, I can't believe how awesome I am!
As Chase was out surveying the galaxy (for ladies) he came across his twin brother/arch nemesis Rex, who was trying to destroy planet beanbag with the red ball of destruction.
Chase could not stand for this so he destroyed the red ball of destruction with his mind.
This, of course, angered Rex.
Rex wanted to destroy everything like he always does: Chase, The planet, and Ryan's intergalactic Thomas and friends hat.
Chase couldn't let that happen so he jumped in the way to distract Rex. Rex finally had the chance to destroy his brother. Chase was almost a goner.
Then Chase fired a rocket of doom and destroyed his brother's ship. Rex managed to survive . . .until next time.
I rule!
Thats probably the funniest thing I have ever seen!! Thanks for sharing your little story! What would 20-something NWC Phil think of that last blog??? ;-)
Oh my, what did I help to create???? You are too funny.
Love you
What a throw back! So tell does a spaceman keep his pimp hand strong? By slapping the intergalactic ho? Or by keeping his smaller robot friends in line? Can you clarify? My Voltron has five young men that inside it that are in search of that answer.
Brilliant. In addition to being very entertaining you have also cleared up a twenty year old mystery for me. When I was about ten or eleven I went to a hardware surplus store called Axman Surplus. They had tons of random crap including a whole bin full of spacemen action figures similar to the old school Star Wars guys. I bought one for myself and one for my cousin and I never knew what they were or what play set they came from....until today when I saw that same space man pictured on your blog. My mind is much more at ease. Thank you.
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