Monday, November 3, 2008

Restoring America

I never really thought I could make a difference in this election. Sure I voted, which is an important civic duty, but how much difference does that make? Even if I did vote for McCain, do you really think he would win California? I want to do something historic, something grand.

And then it happened.

Someone actually voted for me for President. This is a legit ballot from one of my friends in Eugene. I am now a contender for the presidency of the United States. Not only that, but look who my running mate is - Ryan.

When I saw this I felt a huge weight of responsibility. I have had so many ideas on how to make this country better and, let's face it, so does Ryan. It was time to make a decision. I talked with my family a great deal and we came down to a decision. Ryan and I are going to run. How fitting it is to celebrate the launch of my campaign at the place where this all started: in my office about 10 minutes ago.

Ogden/Ogden 08'

We are part of the SUA party (Straight up Awesome) and we have a platform of important issues we are running on.

Phil Ogden - President

Education - I feel like teachers aren't paid enough so starting in my first day of office, teachers start at $100,000 per year. Teachers will also be on an incentive bonus payment plan. Every time they disregard one of the states standardized tests they will get an additional $30,000, and a teacher's aide. Teachers are limited to 10 teacher's aides per year.

Economy - I will look to my trusty cabinet members and tell them to FIX IT!

Energy - We will establish our independence from foreign oil by completely getting rid of the middle east. We will bus everyone out of the country in a diplomatic and peaceful way, then turn it into the worlds largest starbucks/jamba juice. Problem solved.

Ryan Ogden - Vice President

Here are some platforms that Ryan will be running on.

Mac and Cheese - starting in his first day of office, Mac and cheese will be delivered to every home in the world as a way to open up lines of communication with foreign countries and those who hate us. And because it's good.

Thomas and friends - Thomas and friends will now replace the nightly news. Anchors from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and Fox will, instead of news, voice over characters from the famous English show. Brian Williams will be Thomas, Tom Brokaw will be Gordon, Katie Couric will be Emily, Dan Rather will be Cranky the Crane, Sean Hannity will be the troublesome trucks, and Rush will be Sir Toppham Hat.

Tractors - Since Ryan is a big advocate for tractors, everyone should have one. That way, when he comes to campaign in your town, he can check them out and think they are cool.

On November 4, do the right thing. Vote Ogden/Ogden 08'

Straight talk hope we can all believe in.


Lisa said...

Tell Ryan he can count on the Alveys to vote for him. Straight talk we can appreciate!

Anonymous said...

You had me on mac and cheese. Amanda would like to see federally mandated nap time added to the platform.

Beth said...

Oh son!! now I know for certain, you are crazy..I have been fighting those thoughts for years but this is living proof. And now you are promoting the crazies in your son.

Things haven't really changed much over the years. You really have stayed true to yourself...
what a great laugh I have just had.
I really loved it! and you son!
the mom