Thursday, February 28, 2008

The other films that impacted me in 2007

I reviewed La Haine and The Bourne Ultimatum and have been trying to get to these other films but time is just getting away from me. So, here are short snippets of the other three films (for the maybe 2 people who have been waiting in total suspense)

3)The Double Life of Veronique - A fascinating visual film that has layers upon layers of subtext.

4)No Country for Old Men - You live by the sword, you die by the sword. Amazing tale of greed and ego and the price that comes with it.

5)American Gangster - To quote Alex "Ridley Scott went out to make the best movie he could. He didn't focus on just the look or over stylize the 'world', just went out and made a good movie." Agreed.

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